Shed Plans

Men's shed plans

Men's shed plans

At our recent meeting, our good friend and member Dan presented plans for our shed. Click on the image to see a larger version.It was drawn in pencil, and I took a photo of it with my ipad. I tried to adjust the contrast so it is more readable.

It was based on a wish list created by Paul, after a recent meeting with Fin Donnelly. Here is the list:

  1. Kitchen Sink, counter with cabinets.
  2. First Aid Station/Cabinet with dedicated chair and table.
  3. Large ABCD Fire Extinguisher.
  4. Washroom.
  5. Eight locations for small to medium sized equipment positions.  I’d like to have a couple of spare positions for future use.  If that would require more positions, how many?
  6. Two large equipment positions.
  7. Tool cabinet and/or wall mountings for hand equipment – hammers, screw drivers, etc.  Mounted on both of the longer walls of the shed.
  8. Area for sand paper and other supplies.
  9. Work benches along the walls.
  10. Storage area for placing items in progress.
  11. Inventory area for wood, etc.
  12. Large Loading Bay Door.  Preferable with a ramp if elevated and not on ground level.
  13. Standard door for entry.
  14. Phone and Data Plates in Kitchen area.
  15. Separate 120 and 220 power Panels and outlets.  Multiple 120 outlets for Kitchen area.  Should be able to run a Microwave, water kettle, laptops, etc. at the same time.   220 outlets for all machine positions.  A separate power panel for 120 and 220 power and each with additional power fuses.  Would require some thought as to location of power runs for large equipment in the centre of the room.  As an example an overhead power run and drop or something else.
  16. Air Ventilation.
  17. Question – what kind of floor – cement?
  18. Question – Would a 10 or 12-foot ceiling be okay or would a higher ceiling be required?
  19. Lighting needs for Washroom, Kitchen area and the workshop?
  20. Other

Perhaps you have some ideas for our men’s shed? Please comment on this post or click on [color-button href=’/contact’]contact us[/color-button]  and leave your feedback.

Roadmap Update

A while back I introduced our roadmap for getting our shed up and running. As of now we have reached goal #2, “Form a Society”. Thanks to the efforts of our friend and member Paul.


This is awesome progress, as we are now a legal entity, incorporated effective September 26, 2016- the incorporation number is S-0066083.

Here is our certificate and constitution and bylaws:

Certificate Of Incorporation
Certificate Of Incorporation
Constitution & Bylaws
Constitution & Bylaws
Schedule B
Schedule B

Our next goals are obtaining funding and obtaining a location for our shed. If you are reading this and can offer help or advice, please contact us.


Chess Pieces

Chess Pieces

I am working on hand carving some chess pieces, mostly during our Tuesday meetings at the shed. I have 3 so far. I did a king, a queen and a rook. I add lead weight to them, stain and varnish them and add green felt on the base.

Chess Pieces

The chess board I made previously as a project in itself. If you are interested I could post pictures of the construction of the board.

Chess Pieces

I need 32 pieces for a complete set, which at my current rate could take a few years. 🙂

CMS First Bocci Contest

February 23, 2016 – Blue Mountain Park, Coquitlam

Results of the first Bocci Contest:

1st place Mike with 10 points

2nd place Duncan with 9 points

3rd place Jiri with 7 points

Celebrations followed at a nearby Italian restaurant.


Carving Spoons

Twisted spoon

This is something new to me, but certainly a fun project to take on. Our friend Doug Mackie recommended carving spoons as a project to try.

You need some carving knife or chisels to do most of the work. I got a carving jack, and so far it works great for me. Also, on the recommendation of my friend, I got some cut-resistant gloves for protection from myself.

I tried working with various bits of hardwood that I had available. Softwood would not be able to handle the details without splitting or breaking. I cut them roughly to shape on a band saw to start with. They look like this:

Spoon blanksThen I get out my knife and start whittling down to get the spoon I want. This first one is made out of elm. I tried carving a spiral along the stem and a ball at the end.

Twisted spoonThis next one, I don’t know the wood, but it was a block I had sitting around for years. It was good to finally give it a purpose. It has two different colours. I finished it with butcher block oil, to seal it and it is food safe.

Long spoon