Five of the Coquitlam members lent their support to the Burnaby Men’s Shed which is off to a great start. Pictured at the Wednesday lunch is Thomas the SPARK PLUG of the Shed, on his left is Mayor Mike Hurley.
Doug 2 was made an honorary member of the new Burnaby Mens Shed!
Breaking NEWS: Coquitlam Men’s Shed is helping Purpose Independent School with one of their many projects.
Question: What is it and how many Sheders does it take to build it? Answer is at the end! As shown we have switched from wood to metal.
No it is not a portable jail. Whatever it is, it certainly is of interest to the builders.
Elsewhere, Norm is busy attaching a skirt to help keep the chips off the storage shelves under the new lathe.
Norm is hard at work on a Live Edge sign, a gift. Above Doug 5’s version of a handcrafted lathe tool sharpening jig. Douglas is a Scottish name, correct.
It is a portable frame that will be used to anchor a come along for lifting a motorcycle and or engine.
Dragon Boaters had an average age of 69 last year. Any members of the Port Moody branch of Mens Sheds who would be interested in seeing their community from the water on one of our dragon boats? Last year we took out almost 400 participants for our Dragon Boat Experiences. We are always looking for new male paddlers and it would be a great opportunity for your members to try out the fastest growing water sport in Canada. If necessary to fill the boat with 14 novice paddlers, perhaps you could include other local chapters of Mens Sheds? You can read more about our long history of demonstrating our community spirit at the following website
I would be pleased to come out and talk to you and those who attend your Mens Shed on a Thursday or Saturday morning if you believe there might be some interest in this type of event.
Thanks for considering this request.
The older lathe donated by Doug 2 was removed, and a new lathe from KMS tools has arrived with a team of volunteers helping pick it up, load, unload and move it into the shed.
Thanks to the old lathe for the projects completed using it.
Thanks to all who showed up to help out! Looking forward to new projects coming off the General 25-300m1 lathe.
This first piece was to make sure my measurements were correct.
So far so good.
Next will be to build another frame that will fit on top, to the top of the sliding glass door, then add a skin (1/4″ ply), cut out a square and insert the Amazon sourced plastic cat door.
Update: January 2nd 2024
Except for a coat of paint, cat door is done. 🙂
Just need some weather stripping, foam to plug up the gap created when the glass doors are not in the closed position.