Shed Plans

Men's shed plans

Men's shed plans

At our recent meeting, our good friend and member Dan presented plans for our shed. Click on the image to see a larger version.It was drawn in pencil, and I took a photo of it with my ipad. I tried to adjust the contrast so it is more readable.

It was based on a wish list created by Paul, after a recent meeting with Fin Donnelly. Here is the list:

  1. Kitchen Sink, counter with cabinets.
  2. First Aid Station/Cabinet with dedicated chair and table.
  3. Large ABCD Fire Extinguisher.
  4. Washroom.
  5. Eight locations for small to medium sized equipment positions.  I’d like to have a couple of spare positions for future use.  If that would require more positions, how many?
  6. Two large equipment positions.
  7. Tool cabinet and/or wall mountings for hand equipment – hammers, screw drivers, etc.  Mounted on both of the longer walls of the shed.
  8. Area for sand paper and other supplies.
  9. Work benches along the walls.
  10. Storage area for placing items in progress.
  11. Inventory area for wood, etc.
  12. Large Loading Bay Door.  Preferable with a ramp if elevated and not on ground level.
  13. Standard door for entry.
  14. Phone and Data Plates in Kitchen area.
  15. Separate 120 and 220 power Panels and outlets.  Multiple 120 outlets for Kitchen area.  Should be able to run a Microwave, water kettle, laptops, etc. at the same time.   220 outlets for all machine positions.  A separate power panel for 120 and 220 power and each with additional power fuses.  Would require some thought as to location of power runs for large equipment in the centre of the room.  As an example an overhead power run and drop or something else.
  16. Air Ventilation.
  17. Question – what kind of floor – cement?
  18. Question – Would a 10 or 12-foot ceiling be okay or would a higher ceiling be required?
  19. Lighting needs for Washroom, Kitchen area and the workshop?
  20. Other

Perhaps you have some ideas for our men’s shed? Please comment on this post or click on [color-button href=’/contact’]contact us[/color-button]  and leave your feedback.

Bird Houses

Bird Houses

December 20th was our last meeting for 2016, and we met at Dan’s place to make some bird houses. We used a couple of cedar planks, and made these two:

Bird Houses

It was a team effort. Everyone was involved from selecting the design, measuring cutting, re-cutting, drilling, nailing to management and quality control.

Coquitlam Men's Shed

The boxes will be going to be installed somewhere nice in time for the spring. After the meeting we adjourned to the Black Sheep for lunch. Next meeting in 2 weeks. Big thank you to Dan for his hospitality.


Roadmap Update

A while back I introduced our roadmap for getting our shed up and running. As of now we have reached goal #2, “Form a Society”. Thanks to the efforts of our friend and member Paul.


This is awesome progress, as we are now a legal entity, incorporated effective September 26, 2016- the incorporation number is S-0066083.

Here is our certificate and constitution and bylaws:

Certificate Of Incorporation
Certificate Of Incorporation
Constitution & Bylaws
Constitution & Bylaws
Schedule B
Schedule B

Our next goals are obtaining funding and obtaining a location for our shed. If you are reading this and can offer help or advice, please contact us.


What’s in a name?

Men's Shed Meeting

Men's Shed Meeting

A number of people, often women and even the mayor of our fair city, have said that the name should be changed to be more politically correct. I don’t think so and here is the reason why.

First off, Men’s Sheds started in Australia about in 2007 and there are now Men’s Sheds in just about every community (almost a thousand). Men’s Sheds have also taken off in Ireland, Great Britain, and New Zealand and there is a tentative foothold in Canada so it seems that Men’s Sheds fulfil a need.

IMG_1324The nature of the need is not apparent at first glance. Initial reactions are usually something like “why do men need a shed to go to the already have a basement full of tools they never use?” There is a lot more to it than that. Men’s Sheds are really about men’s health.

Men don’t readily belong to organizations run by others such as senior’s centres. However they are often attracted by the idea of working on neat projects in a workshop setting, especially if they feel part of a team that can accomplish things and they run it themselves. Even then the attraction may be the coffee pot and a deck of cards rather than the tools and the project. Men of all ages sometimes find themselves isolated even though a loving family may surround them. Just because a man is busy doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel isolated. The family, children, wives, siblings and parents all benefit when the man is healthy in mind and body. A Men’s Shed is a great place to look for the teamwork, industry and camaraderie that is essential most men.

Just think of it as a Women’s Institute for men.


Mike Jennings.
Coquitlam Men’s Shed.

Meeting Report

The 10th. May 2016 Meeting was held in spectacular Blue Mountain Park as usual. We meet there by the tennis courts every Tuesday at 10am.

This week the knives came out once again and the whittling started. Duncan brought a fresh block of wood but he has yet to find out what is lurking inside. Jiri was busy reading up on constitutions, Doug was working on the big dipper and I was doing surgery on my thumb. For the second week in a row Duncan came to my aid with bandages.

Then we moved on to boccie. Suffice to say the Coquitlam Men’s Shed champion remains undefeated. There was a suggestion that the balls should be x-rayed as they belong to the champion. Personally I think it would be a good idea if we just learned the rules.

Next week (17th.) we plan to have a BBQ lunch. Bring whatever it is you like to grill and there will be some veggies and stuff to go along with it.

Great meeting (except for the thumb).

CMS First Bocci Contest

February 23, 2016 – Blue Mountain Park, Coquitlam

Results of the first Bocci Contest:

1st place Mike with 10 points

2nd place Duncan with 9 points

3rd place Jiri with 7 points

Celebrations followed at a nearby Italian restaurant.


Jan Meeting

Our last meeting at the Poirier Sports and Leisure Complex was a great success. We could each choose the activity that works best for us (gym, walking track, pool) and the coffee shop lounge provided a pleasant atmosphere for the meeting afterwards. I have to admit that I was so enthused about going for a swim for the first time in years that I overdid it. I will be a little more careful next time.

Jiri also seemed happy to be in the pool, he had been going regularly but had gotten out of the habit. Hopefully he will get back into a regular routine.

I think this was a really positive experience that I hope will continue to be a part of our Men’s Shed activities even when we have our own super deluxe workshop.

Sorry no photos. If we were to publish photos of this group in their swim suites, we would be black listed for sure.

Visit to VE7SCC

Outside the Coquitlam Amateur Radio Club

August 25th, the Coquitlam Men’s Shed visited the Coquitlam Amateur Radio Club.

Outside the Coquitlam Amateur Radio ClubOur host Paul, VA7JHW was there to give us the tour, explaining all about their new antenna towers that were completed this spring.

Antenna TowerThere is a lot in common with the Coquitlam Men’s Shed and the Coquitlam Amateur Radio Club. The focus in the latter is around Amateur Radio, where we focus more on building things. The Coquitlam Men’s Shed has a long way to go yet, to form a society and get funding and a location to call our own. Looking at the Coquitlam Amateur Radio Club, gives us hope that we can get there.