Cedar Strip Canoe

After most of a lifetime I have come to the conclusion that I love boats. This is my current cedar strip canoe, the second I have built. Both were built using the book “A Strippers Guide to Canoe Building” as inspiration. I do mean inspiration, while the book comes with patterns for moulds etc. it suggests various ways to finish the canoe. I picked my way with guidance from the book and I feel that I have my unique canoe. It paddles as well as it looks.

Building and maintaining kayaks, canoes, sailboats, runabouts etc. are projects that I hope will be part of the Coquitlam Men’s Shed as it evolves.

canoe1 canoe2

One Reply to “Cedar Strip Canoe”

  1. Is there source of cedar strip that you would recommend and how much does it cost in these days of inflated lumber prices? I’m not sure about starting anything else – projects galore, including a partly built Cosine Wherry.
    If I know someone with some v long cedar strip lengths that are extra to their needs , what should I offer to be fair to both parties? I suppose cove/bead is more pricey than plain square sawn.

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