Chester Yawl

When I sold my cruising sailboat because it wasn’t getting used enough I missed having an excuse to be on the water. I had read a book about keeping fit and the author said that he had bought a Whitehall skiff and how much he enjoyed rowing it. This seemed like the answer to me so I looked into Whitehall skiffs, beautiful boats but there was no way it was in my price range.

A little more research led me to Pygmy Boats, they have a kit for their Wineglass Wherry and I was enthralled. A little more research and I came across Chesapeake Light Craft and I settled for a kit for their Chester Yawl.

The kit was so accurate and complete only moderate skill and very little fitting required. The frames and bulkheads and the precisely machined strakes formed the shape. No strong back is needed, you just have to be careful to make sure there is no twist and the rocker is right.

What a way to get on the water again, it is a thrill to row.

A project like this would be perfect for a Men’s Shed.


2 Replies to “Chester Yawl”

  1. Hi Scott, I ordered the kit directly from clcboats and imported it myself. You will get the best freight rate if you can do it buisness to buisness. Great project, great boat. Keep in touch. Mike.

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