CMS Roadmap

The hard part is getting our shed from zero to established, so here is a 4 step plan. Each step has a goal, and cannot be achieved until the previous step goal is achieved.

Shed plan

  1. First we need enough members to form a society. With 10 members, we have enough to move on to the next step.
  2. To form a society, there is some paperwork and $100. We will need to collect some minimal dues from each member at this point. We can also set up a bank account and start recording financial records.
  3. Once we are an official entity, we can go about applying for and obtaining funding. The majority of the operating costs are expected to come from funding and support. Keeping the membership dues low avoids discriminating against people on limited resources.
  4. With funding, we can proceed to obtaining a location.

Of course there are more details, which will be added as we get to them. But the key goals are as above.

Currently we are on step 1, and we need your help. We are [color-button href=’/membership-drive’]looking for members[/color-button]

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