Report on a Coquitlam Shed project
Location: Gordon Church, Burnaby
Charity: “Don’t Go Hungry” Food Bank
Visionary: Rhonda Gale
The Team: Cal, Robbie, Dave3 & Doug2
What is to be accomplished?
Move the groceries from the parking lot to the Church basement.
The plan:
Build a chute from the parking lot to the basement (Static conveyor), easy eh?
The hitch:
1. A condemned handicap chair lift is installed on the stairs.
2.The chute must fold up against the wall so the stairs and handrail are accessible.
The action:
1. Remove and recycle the handicap chair lift.
2. Plan, build, paint & install the chute
The results :
Check out the photos and …
You be the judge.
The acceptance :👍👍 & many more thumbs up.
Groceries moved in record time with minimal effort!
Sorry you must click on each picture to download, then view each individually.
Men Helping the Community
Doug 2