Inactivity Report – November 2019

What happened to the rest of the summer and the fall?

There was so much activity that there was little inactivity to report about but today was so special, here I am.

I am the healthiest, best looking 75-year-old you have ever known so I was stunned last Saturday to learn that I am in need of triple bypass surgery.

I shared this information with fellow shedder Doug Gale (the guy that gets into all our photos).

Tuesday is our breakfast meeting and this morning (3 days later) Doug had arranged for Rolf Gullmes, a volunteer with the Pacific Open Heart Association, to talk about his experience. My apprehension is still there but I also feel somewhat reassured and beginning to look forward to feeling strong again by next spring.

As well as Rolf there were two other shedders who have taken this path and others shared similar experiences.

Rolf emphasized the importance of asking your Doctor for a stress test if you even have a suspicion of a problem. I am lucky, I have a problem that can be solved by surgery, I don’t have a damaged heart. A delay and I may have had a heart attack which will damage the heart.

Thanks Doug, Rolf and the rest of the boys for your timely support. You are everything a shed should be.


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