Inactivity Report (sort of) Late June 2019

We did a lot of talking last week. Alice Wong the Member of Parliament for Richmond Centre came to visit us.

This was brought about by Doug Mackie who, when he isn’t carving diamond willow walking sticks at the Woodhaven Men’s Shed, carries Men’s Sheds Canada.

Doug has been trying to attract some attention in Ottawa for years but seems to have been put on ignore so he contacted Alice Wong MP, former Minister of State for Seniors and Seniors critic.

Alice responded but Alice lives on the west coast and Doug is located in Winnipeg which is right in the middle between Ottawa and Richmond. So Doug suggested that she contact us, Coquitlam Men’s Shed and meet some real men. What can we say? Alice showed up and we were able to regale her with our stories all afternoon.

Alice clearly understood the purpose, value of and need for Men’s Sheds. She asked many questions and stayed long passed the time it would have been prudent to leave to avoid the afternoon traffic.

Thank you Alice, we enjoyed sharing our story and your company for the afternoon.

We hope that you will keep in touch with Coquitlam Men’s Shed and Men’s Shed Canada when you are Minister of State for Seniors again.

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