Coquitlam Men’s Shed Meeting of 11th. August.
This meeting was in Blue Mountain Park, the weather was beautiful and we were in the shade of the trees. What a pleasant setting.

At this meeting we were joined by a new member, Paul Cook. Paul is a ham radio operator and he has invited us to have our next meeting at their facility on the Riverview grounds.
After brief introductions we got out the tools and started carving. Miraculously no blood was shed. Working at something while talking certainly adds a dimension to the meeting, I have the beginnings of a carved walking stick, Duncan has the beginnings of a spoon but I fear he may go hungry if he is expecting to use it any time soon. Paul didn’t divulge what he is creating. Thanks to Doug Mackies for the walking stick idea.

One nice thing about carving in the park was that we really didn’t have to do any clean up, just brushed everything onto the floor and you couldn’t tell the difference.
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