To Women

Men who are retired or are just getting started can go from working lives and good health to retirement and possibly poor health. They can experience sadness and depression that typically will go untreated. This is so because in large part, we men are less communicative about our problems than women.

If you know a man who is in this position and is floundering with what to do, please send him our way. The men’s shed is a place where he can find a new purpose in his life. Working together with others on worthwhile projects can help give new meaning in his life. It can improve his health and well being, and give him a support network.

Our men’s shed is new in Coquitlam, BC, and we are getting ourselves established. Which means the first worthwhile project is the men’s shed itself. Our first goal is to get enough members to create a society. Then we can go after funding and a regular place to meet.

If you don’t know what this is about, check out our [color-button href=’/links’]links[/color-button] section and learn more about the men’s shed movement. It really does make a difference in the lives of men. It could help the man in your life.

In talking with folks from another men’s shed, we learned the biggest source of new members is women, who care about their men. Thus our appeal here.

We are currently holding meetings every 2 weeks. We publish our meetings in advance on this site. You can either send him along or [color-button href=’/contact’]contact us[/color-button]

Members of a men’s shed in Ireland

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